What is involved in a Mole removal?

 Mole removal is a straightforward method that can be performed by a dermatologist. Before performing a shave or surgical excision, mole removal dubai can assist you in determining whether the procedure is right for you.

Cosmetic Extraction

If you have a mole that you don't like or that causes problems by catching on your clothes or jewellery, you can have it removed. Private mole removal clinics in Dubai typically perform cosmetic procedures. You should ensure that you understand the outcome of your cosmetic mole removal, as you may be left with a small scar. Your dermatologist should be able to tell you what to expect.

Medical Removal

Moles may have to be removed for medical reasons as well. If you or your doctor notice any changes in a mole, you should have it examined by a professional. Skin cancer can be detected by changes in shape, size, or color, as well as by a bleeding or itchy mole. A dermatologist at a mole removal clinic can examine your moles and advise you on whether or not they should be removed. If you are concerned about a mole, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. The sooner a potential skin cancer is removed, the less likely it is to spread to other parts of your body.

Getting Rid of a Mole

If you make a choice to have a mole removed for cosmetic reasons, the method used will be determined by the mole's shape, size, and location. Rather than removing the mole surgically, it may be possible to simply shave the skin's surface. If there is a risk of skin cancer, a surgical excision will be required. The procedure can still be performed with only a local anaesthetic at mole removal clinics in Dubai, but the entire mole must be removed. Stitches may be required to close the wound. Following the removal of the mole, it will be tested in the lab for pre-cancerous or cancerous cells. If any signs of cancer development are discovered, the lab can ensure that the entire tumour has been removed.


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